Monday, September 19, 2005

A little about Me...

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Where should I start? Hmmmm.....oldest child (and only girl )in a family of five, raised in a rural farming community by two wonderful parents. I attended Catholic school for five years, which is a plus when I meet men. For some reason, they tend to get a gleam in their eyes when I tell them that. After graduating from high school, I went to work in a small real estate office as a secretary for a year, then got a job in a local bank. I got married when I was almost 20, and moved to Southern California where my husband grew up.
When I reached the tender age of 21 1/2, our daughter Cassandra was born. We moved back to Northern California at that point, and three years later, our son, Alexander, was born. During the child-bearing period, I stayed at home until Alex was three. At that point, I went back to work for Bank of America, and after about 7 years, opened a party store with my sister-in-law, Cindy. We had a great time with that--lots of hard work, lots of fun, but not much money. We sold the business, and I went to work in the office at our new Wal-Mart. I loved that job for six of the thirteen years I worked there, but I can't say that I would ever want to go back. Retail is hell, especially for a 24 hour operation. Office jobs are 7-4, weekends off, except for holidays and inventory time, but if you have a ladder-climbing store manager, they can give you grief. It's impossible to enjoy the holidays, they are so hectic. I was a good associate--never a write up or counseling, nothing but commendations in my file. But with the advent of our new SuperCenter came new management. I was one of the more highly-paid personnel, and I truly believe that is why I was terminated for my horrible crime of going to lunch ten minutes late. Not coming back ten minutes late--No, leaving! Oh well, I guess they did me a favor. This happened one week after my divorce was finalized after 34 years of marriage. So, as I said before, I decided to enjoy my six months of company-paid unemployment -- (take that in the shorts, Wal-Mart!) --and it has been great. I met a very sweet man who has taken me a lot of very nice places, and introduced me to some very fine wines. We've had a lot of fun together and just yesterday returned from a cruise to Catalina Island & Ensenada, Mexico. So that brings us up to I have to think about rejoining the real world, and rejoining the ranks of the gainfully employed. That is my story, and I'm sticking to it......

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